Dear Friends,
From my small collection of post cards, a set of picture post cards from "The Rambrandt House" museum, Amsterdam are posted here.
Dutch artist, Rembrandt purchased the house in 1639 and lived here until he went bankrupt in 1656, when all his belongings went on auction.
Few years ago, the house was thoroughly reconstructed on the inside to show how the house would have looked in Rembrandt's days. The auction list enabled the reconstructions of all his belongings which are also on display in the house. Most of the belongings were retrived and placed back in there original place in the house.
First card represents the house as it was in 17th century when Rambrandt used to stay. Rest of the cards are of reconstructed house as of now.
Hope you find this post interesting. Your comments, suggestions are most welcome.
Best regards
Yesterday, I received a book from Shri. Sushil Mehra, " Glimpses of vintage Bengaluru". It contains a wonderful collection of Post cards and many items related to old Bengaluru. I came across the word "Deltiology" in the book and tried find more information on it.
"Deltiology" is the study and collection of postcards. After Philately and Numismatics, Deltiology is the third most popular hobby across the world.From my small collection of post cards, a set of picture post cards from "The Rambrandt House" museum, Amsterdam are posted here.
Dutch artist, Rembrandt purchased the house in 1639 and lived here until he went bankrupt in 1656, when all his belongings went on auction.
Few years ago, the house was thoroughly reconstructed on the inside to show how the house would have looked in Rembrandt's days. The auction list enabled the reconstructions of all his belongings which are also on display in the house. Most of the belongings were retrived and placed back in there original place in the house.
First card represents the house as it was in 17th century when Rambrandt used to stay. Rest of the cards are of reconstructed house as of now.
Hope you find this post interesting. Your comments, suggestions are most welcome.
Best regards
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